I had a stalker.
This is my attempt at the recollections of the stalker I had during middle school. [keep reading]
The Kentucky Anti-Trans Law (and what my school district did about it)
Below is a section of the email I received from the school board just a few days ago. What they’re doing is beautiful. [keep reading]
July 1992: The summer before my junior year of high school, I was in a very bad bicycle accident. I’m not sure exactly what happened, but the gist of it is I was riding down a curve in the middle of town, and my bicycle’s front tire seized up. It stopped, I didn’t. I literally… [keep reading]
How to Get Blocked 101
Yes, this happens to every female-presenting person. [keep reading]
Take a chance, take-a take-a chance chance….
Every December, I try to grab 2 friends and see who needs a little free web site help. This year, everyone seems fine, so I reached out to a social media personality who I do not know at all in real life. [keep reading]
Highland Coffee Closing
Oh no This is my favorite coffee shop in town. It might be silly to mourn the loss of a business, but here’s the thing…. Highland Coffee Company has a lot of my memories tied up in it. When I was living in the Highlands and going through really rough times in my mid/late 20s,… [keep reading]