defense, home, love, prosperity, protection, purification, success [keep reading]
Waning, from Full Moon to New Moon, is a time for study, meditation, and magical work designed to banish harmful energies. [keep reading]
Waxing, from New Moon to Full Moon, is the ideal time to do magic to draw things to you. [keep reading]
Blue Moon
Blue Moon refers to when a Full Moon appears for the second time in the same calendar month. This Blue Moon happens to fall on Wednesday, the day of Mercury . . . during Mercury ret-rograde. While Mercury retrograde does not lend itself well to important new conversations, it provides ample opportunities to revisit unresolved… [keep reading]
Unprocessed trauma doesn’t have an expiration date
This resonates with me so much. And, I heard it in a TikTok, of all places. [keep reading]