Energy Amplifier Candle Dressing
This candle dresing recipe can be used to amplify the power of any spell or ritual. Based on a mixture of herbs with lively energy, it will stir up extra magical impact and speed the results of your working. The herbs are chosen for their associations with snappy, quick energy. The key ingredient is ashes… [keep reading]
Lucky Seven Candle Dressing
The number seven is lucky because so many good things come in sevens: the number of colors in a rainbow, the chakras or energy centers in the body, and the continents of the world. The number seven ranks among the most favored numbers by gamblers and lottery players. This candle dressing contains seven herbs, each… [keep reading]
Blue Moon
Blue Moon refers to when a Full Moon appears for the second time in the same calendar month. This Blue Moon happens to fall on Wednesday, the day of Mercury . . . during Mercury ret-rograde. While Mercury retrograde does not lend itself well to important new conversations, it provides ample opportunities to revisit unresolved… [keep reading]
Love & Sweetness Candle dressing
Not all candle dresings have to include oil. There are many other creative and meaningful ways to make your herbs stick to your candle, like in this recipe. Instead of using oil, the candle will be coated with maple syrup. As a sugary liquid, maple syrup is associated with sweetness and attraction. If you find… [keep reading]
Grounding Candle Dressing
This candle dresing is meant to be used when casting grounding spells, while decompressing after a challenging day, or when you are struggling to keep your mind firmly planted in reality. The dried plant ingredients are best found in your own backyard or park because they’re directly connected to the earth spirits where you live,… [keep reading]
Banishing Candle Dressing
This mixture is best used or black candles, but any color will do in a real pinch. The combinations of ingredients in this dressing create a strong odor that may be less than pleasant. Remember, its purpose is to repel unwanted energy, people, or things–not to attract them with lovely aromas! You can use this… [keep reading]