“I think if you’re afraid of something, it means you should probably do it.” ~ Bettina (Kathy Bates), “Six Feet Under” [keep reading]
“I don’t even care if it works out fair in the end. I’m sure it doesn’t. I still have to haul my own ass out of bed in the morning.” ~ Bettina (Kathy Bates), “Six Feet Under” [keep reading]
“Decaf is cruel and unusual punishment.” ~ Rachel Morgan (character), “White Witch, Black Curse” by Kim Harrison [keep reading]
When I was 5, I had a crush on a guy named Joshua. He owned a model replica of the Millennium Falcon and let me be the Empire Strikes Back Princess Leah “Hoth” version. [keep reading]
Be comfortable with growing older.
Know that you are the perfect age. Each year is special and precious, for you shall only live it once. Be comfortable with growing older. Louise Hay [keep reading]
Kiddo loves Wallace & Gromit. I’m ok with this. [keep reading]