You are good enough! (Honestly, you’re probably overqualified, but let’s start the day off humble.) [keep reading]
Letters to Myself
You don’t know it yet, but one day you will reach a low you never knew existed and you will lose yourself. Getting yourself back again will be one of the hardest seasons of your life. But, spoiler alert, you do get yourself back, you do make it in the end and you become so… [keep reading]
10 to Zen
Let go of comparing. Let go of competing. Let go of judgments. Let go of anger. Let go of regrets. Let go of worrying. Let go of blame. Let go of guilt. Let go of fear. Have a proper belly laugh at least once a day (especially if it’s about your inability to let go… [keep reading]
Always in the Stars
Right this daytime minute, the stars above are below as well. Under your feet! On the other side of the Earth! Whatever you’re doing right now, you’re doing it in the midst of stars. Wherever you are on the pale blue dot — in Australia, in Alaska, in Guatemala — stars surround and cradle you.… [keep reading]
To anyone dealing with hardship or loss or that feeling of failure, I just want to say you are strong! I don’t believe in the universe only giving us what we can handle, because the moment someone says that, I usually feel dismissed, followed by uncontrollable self-doubt. Sometimes in life we really are given more… [keep reading]