Ruled by: The Moon Goddess Diana’s Day Soft, tranquil, feminine energy deepens contact with feelings and emotions. Focus on intuition, psychic & dream work, emotions, fertility & the home. Spells: divination, intuition, peace, hope, love, psychic work, emotional healing, fertility, dreams, travel Magickal influence: peace, healing, caring, psychic awareness [keep reading]
New Year’s Ceremonies
These are from Mary Katherine Spain. For further information about Mary Katherine and her work ninepillarshealing.com. SACRED FIRE: Fire cleanses us, purifies us. Incorporating fire into a New Year’s ritual is very powerful. Here are a few ideas: Write a letter to 2022 describing the 1) lessons you learned, 2) confessing the hard stuff, 3)… [keep reading]
action, awaken, clarity, intelligence, the mind, stimulation [keep reading]
awareness, banishing, calm, challenges, power, protection, success [keep reading]
beauty, changes, endings, heartbreak, hope, lust, passion, shyness [keep reading]